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 Starting Up Glitch

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2 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-03-15

Starting Up Glitch Empty
PostSubject: Starting Up Glitch   Starting Up Glitch EmptyMarch 19th 2009, 4:15 pm

Ok well this isn'y technically a glitch but, I noticed that when you begin the game, log-in, and then when you are at Sera (the girl in the Noob place), you click on her to pick your class, how come there isn't any Pirate? Do you have to go to the Pirate place to become a pirate?

Secondly, in the same spot, this is actually a small glitch, but when you go there, and click on Super Beginner, it doesn't make you a beginner. I accidentally clicked on Bowman, so I went back there, and clicked on Super Beginner, but I was still an archer.....

If these could be fixed that could be great!
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Posts : 112
Join date : 2009-02-23
Age : 31
Location : Behind You

Starting Up Glitch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting Up Glitch   Starting Up Glitch EmptyMarch 22nd 2009, 12:48 am

when you choose super beginner then your job doesnt change because you are suppose to be a begginer when you talk to her. There is no pirate because it hasntbeen made yet. So hold tight and it willall be alright. Also, i suggest not going back to that place to much because you may get banned/jailed if you do it to much (abuse).
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Starting Up Glitch
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