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 IceyCoffin... GM app???

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2 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-02-15

IceyCoffin... GM app??? Empty
PostSubject: IceyCoffin... GM app???   IceyCoffin... GM app??? EmptyFebruary 15th 2009, 9:40 pm

Well, lets start off with, im not very good at writing things like this D: .. SO..

Name:Hunter :\
When can i play?: Well, im on whenever i can be, except for when im doing homework, so pretty much any time
depending on homework, which i normally get done at school.
Contact Me: ipajoneyou@hotmail.com <---ya. dont ask.

My ign is IceyCoffin, i came from ForeverMS, where i was a mod, because vit was too cocky to get any more GM's
<_<. But, this is my second server that ive played on (not counting GMS ._.) and i have a LOT of experience with
helping people with problems that they have and finding hackers. (just go on foreverms chat and you'de see all the
noobs asking all the questions rofl)... I believe that i am very nice and helpful and have a lot to contribute to the
server. I help people in need whenever i can and when i can't i try to lead them in a direction that will solve their
problem. Even though i have never been a GM before i know what it's like and how to be one. I know most GM
commands because i have a GM handbook thingy, and am willing to help in any way possible :]. I am also very
good at listening to intructions and not breaking the rules, i think it's really stupid to spend a lot of time on something
like this and then mess it up o-o.I think this is a very good server, and that it has potential to rise to the top.

Hobbies:I like playing Tennis, i play the violin, i kindve teach myself to play piano, and i like hanging out with my friends
in real life, and on maple.

Key Traits/Summary
- I am very helpful
- I am very friendly
- I am very fun
- I am on the majority of the day, except for when im at school (nerd plz)=]
- I know how to be a GM, even though i've never been one before <_<

Well. turns out while i was gone abc(kona) made a guidelines thing. so here is that.
this is almost the same things stated above, so you dont have to waste your time reading it unless u want to i guess o-o

Name: Hunter

Age: 15, birthday is December 21st was born in 1993.

Location/Timezone: Ohio. PST i think? o-o

Time spent online: Im on UrbanMS almost all the time :]

UrbanMs in-game name(s) (If any): IceyCoffin

Reason to join the team: My reason for making this app is because i believe i can make a positive impact on the server and on the people in it. I am kind and fun and know how to be a GM and the commands. I am very good at helping people with problems they might have and at hacker hunting :]

Experience(s): I have never personally been a GM before, but i have a GM handbook and know the commands, and how to treat situations like hacking and spamming and ect. o-o

Contact information (Email/AIM/MSN): ipajoneyou@hotmail.com

Personal Information/Hobbies (Optional): Tennis. uhm. violin. hanging out with friends.

Last words: I hope you guys will see what i have to contribute to the server and may the best man / woman / boy / girl / or anything else win. <-- lol :]

Thanks for reading.

reference to codie: ialsosometimestalklikethis.
i<3john. in a non gey way.
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Posts : 91
Join date : 2009-02-13
Age : 30
Location : Hawaii

IceyCoffin... GM app??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: IceyCoffin... GM app???   IceyCoffin... GM app??? EmptyMarch 3rd 2009, 4:06 am

Gl Hunter~!
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