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 Ban Appeal for xlao character SuperStar

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Join date : 2009-04-24

Ban Appeal for xlao character SuperStar Empty
PostSubject: Ban Appeal for xlao character SuperStar   Ban Appeal for xlao character SuperStar EmptyApril 24th 2009, 12:43 pm

Hi I play the character SuperStar and I got ban for it says i was using Equipment hacks? I wasnt using equipment hacks, it's a glitch where you can put equipment on your clothes. I didnt know we arent allowed to do this. I can take them off if that's the case. She didnt give me a warning and thought it was hacks and just banned me Sad I really like this server and was hoping i can get another chance to play. I will take off the surfboards if that was the problem, but I dont hack so please unban me if you can. Thanks.
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Ban Appeal for xlao character SuperStar
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