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 Sonic's GM APP

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Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-02-18

Sonic's GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Sonic's GM APP   Sonic's GM APP EmptyFebruary 18th 2009, 6:23 pm

Name: Bryan D'Imperio ^-^

Age: 14 , August 10, 1994.

Location/Timezone: New Jersey, USA! GMT -5

Time spent online:Applying for: About 5-9 hours a day. In-Game GM.

LoveStory in-game name(s) (If any): [What is your ign?] Never played it.

Reason to join the team: I feel that I will make a great addition to the GM squad of UrbanMS.
I have experience as a GM on multiple servers , including my own. I will show some pics
once I find them in my thousands of maplestory folders. This position means a lot to me.
Ever since I couldnt afford to keep my server up, I've been striding to become a GM
on the best of the best servers. And my search has brought me here.

Experience(s): I've been head GM on a server called ccplsMS. I've owned my own server
called SmashMS. I know many GM commands and item numbers.

Contact information (Email/AIM/MSN): Bdthegamer123@aim.com / AiM- bdthegamer123 <~ Always on
msn -bdthegamer123@aim.com ( Never on MSN)

Personal Information/Hobbies (Optional): I love to play my guitar [=
I love to hang out with my girlfriend ; I love to play Halo3, guitar hero, and rockband.
I love hanging out with my friends and people in general .

Last words:[Stuff you would like to say that wasn't or couldn't be mentioned above].

Hey there. (:
Im Bryan ( iGN- Sonic ; GMT-5)

I've been playing UrbanMS for about a few weeks or so. Not sure.
I recently came from ForeverMS. I`m starting to know quite a few GMs on this server.
Anyways more about myself [x , I can play from when I get home everyday from school, 3, until whatever
time Im sleepy on most days. (x Of course, having a dinner & halo break. I've had prior experience
as being a GM and head GM of a server. I've been a GM on ccplsMS and SmashMS, which I owned.
Sadly, I was unable to raise enough money to keep it going Dx Anyways, I'm very loyal, trustworthy,
respectful, nice and many more things.

I will show no mercy and ban all hackers I come across.
********** I believe in innocent until proven guilty.***************
I look at many points in stories about arguements, ksing etc..
I will not tolerate anything breaking the ToS. Twisted Evil
I will never violate the GM rules such as leveling players and giving away items.
Now for the more fun stuff;
I will host events whenever given the chance too. Such events will include:
Hide N Seek, Summoning(?) , Guess that song/movie/anime/TV show/band.

Extra Info : I love to play my guitar. In a band ; Gonna start playing gigs soon.
Im 14; 5'7. Jesse recruited me here ;D<3 I loveee to play Halo 3, Guitar hero and Rock band
with my friendsss. And uhhh yeah Very Happy

Well this is pretty long already for a GM app.
If anymore information is needed please contact me at
AiM: Bdthegamer123
Email: bdthegamer123@aim.com
IGN : Sonic.

Thanks so much for reading this GM app<3 Cool

I hope to see you ingamee<3
-Bryan cheers lol!

Last edited by Sonic on February 20th 2009, 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 11
Join date : 2009-02-18

Sonic's GM APP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sonic's GM APP   Sonic's GM APP EmptyFebruary 20th 2009, 6:53 am

On another side note,
I've been playing Maplestory for 3 years or so. Private servers since Odin came out ^-^
I`m addicted to MS o-o lol anyways I forgot to mention I was also a GM on my friends server
that was Hamachi based. His computer ended up beingg screwed over by a hacker l:
So yeah, that's about it for me o-o

Thanks for reading, Drew & other GMs .
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