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 [Ingame] Suggestions

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[Ingame] Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: [Ingame] Suggestions   [Ingame] Suggestions EmptyFebruary 26th 2009, 2:21 am

Well, I've been finding it pretty infuriating so far the class balance. The regular game has already been slightly screwed up, and I think these would bring the balances between the Maplestory classes closer.

-Have Combo and Advanced Combo only work for Heroes. If you let everyone have Combo, then Heroes would be severely weakened. I definitely know this is possible, as ForeverMS has this feature.

-Have Shadow Partner only work for Night Lords. If Archers and Gunslingers possess Shadow Partner, then they gain an unfair advantage over Night Lords, and the rest of the classes (melee and magic classes cannot use Shadow Partner). I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'm giving this a heads up.

All other skills are fine, as everyone class benefits from those skills. For example, Sharp Eyes, even if you're not an archer, would still benefit you.

Thank you for reading.
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[Ingame] Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Ingame] Suggestions   [Ingame] Suggestions EmptyFebruary 26th 2009, 3:54 am

w/ combo, ppl attain more dmg from whatever job they have
same goes for shadow partner

imo, people like to see higher dmg, higher numbers, faster kills. and if that is taken away, ppl would be discontent. b/c a reason why ppl play private servers is the combination of jobs they can get.
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Location : Fire Nation

[Ingame] Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Ingame] Suggestions   [Ingame] Suggestions EmptyFebruary 26th 2009, 11:03 pm

Complete wrote:
w/ combo, ppl attain more dmg from whatever job they have
same goes for shadow partner

imo, people like to see higher dmg, higher numbers, faster kills. and if that is taken away, ppl would be discontent. b/c a reason why ppl play private servers is the combination of jobs they can get.

The problem is, the classes aren't really balanced. If everyone gets Combo, then Heroes would still have the same damage while everyone else gets 2x more damage. That isn't fair to people who want to be Heroes.

Also, for Shadow Partner, not all classes can use it. So only people who are Gunslingers and Bowmasters can get 0.5x to their damage, which is really unfair to everyone.

Basically, I just don't want to see everyone being Bowmasters and Gunslingers only, the two classes that can take advantage of both Shadow Partner and Combo. I would like to see a variety of classes. Besides, with the removal of Shadow Partner from Bowmasters, legitimate people wouldn't get autobanned XD.

If you really want to give the people higher damage, then give them...godly weapons, I suppose. A bunch of things can substitute damage besides attacks.
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Join date : 2009-03-17

[Ingame] Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Ingame] Suggestions   [Ingame] Suggestions EmptyMarch 17th 2009, 4:09 am

i think this makes sense? lol butting in srry bout tat.

but u cant just go around giving people godly weps so tat might be hard again srry for butting in again Razz
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Join date : 2009-04-08

[Ingame] Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Ingame] Suggestions   [Ingame] Suggestions EmptyApril 8th 2009, 6:16 pm

is this specific topic limited to skills only? Or do you mean any suggestions about anything in the game?
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[Ingame] Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Ingame] Suggestions   [Ingame] Suggestions Empty

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