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 Complete's Personal Handbook

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Posts : 83
Join date : 2009-02-11
Location : chair

Complete's Personal Handbook Empty
PostSubject: Complete's Personal Handbook   Complete's Personal Handbook EmptyMarch 2nd 2009, 11:15 pm

To Online Handbook

180000000 - Victoria Road - Ellinia
910000000 - Hidden Street - Free Market Entrance
910000022 - Hidden Street - Free Market Entrance (Donator Map)
100000000 - Victoria Road - Henesys

Event Maps
2 - Maple Road - Lower level of the Training Camp
109010108 - Hidden Street - Hidden Place in the East
109010203 - Hidden Street - Hidden Place in South
209000000 - Hidden Street - Happyville
220010001 - Ludibrium - Cloud Balcony
230010201 - Aqua Road - Snowy Whale's Island
230030101 - Aqua Road - Tae Gong's Ferry
240050310 - Cave of Life - Cave of Darkness
260000206 - Town of Ariant - Residential Area 5
541010100 - Singapore - The Engine Room
541010110 - Singapore - The Peaceful Ship
670010400 - Hidden Street - Stage 3 - Twisted Switcher
670010500 - Hidden Street - Stage 4 - Last Man Standing
680000300 - Amoria - Cherished Visage Photos
680000400 - Amoria - Untamed Hearts Hunting Ground
910300000 - Hidden Street - Dark Lord's Practice Field
910500200 - Hidden Street - Forgotten Shrine
925010400 - Hidden Street - The Nautilus Hideout Room
921100000 - Hidden Street - Heart of Lava
922000010 - Hidden Street - Doll's House
922010900 - Hidden Street - A Crack on the Wall
923000000 - Hidden Street - Warped Dimension
923010000 - Hidden Street - Kenta's Breeding Room
925100500 - Hidden Street - The Captain's Dignity
990000900 - Sharenian - Ergoth's Throne
980000010 - Monster Carnival - Exit
109050000 - Hidden Street - Receiving the Reward For the Event
920011000 - Hidden Street - Tower of Goddess
2090000(07,08.15) - Hidden Street - The Hill of Christmas
610020006 cwk

Jump Quest Maps
10904000(0-4) - Hidden Street - MapleStory Physical Fitness Test
10100010(0-5) - Hidden Street - The Forest of Patience
10504031(0-3) - Hidden Street - The Deep Forest of Patience
10504031(4-6) - Hidden Street - The Deep Forest of Patience
28002000(0/1) - Adobis's Mission I - Breath of Lava
922000000 - Hidden Street - Toy Factory
922020000 - Hidden Street - This map is the jail (Epic o.o)
990000410 - Sharenian - Room of Glory
990000611 - Sharenian - End of the Maze
682000200 - Haunted House - Ghost Chimney
10300090(0-2) - Line 3 Construction Site - B1
10300090(3-5) - Line 3 Construction Site - B2
10300090(6-9) - Line 3 Construction Site - B3

Fun Maps
200090000 - During the Ride - To Ellinia (Ship)
200090010 - During the Ride - To Orbis (Ship)
200090200 - During the Ride - To Leafre (Big Bird)
200090210 - During the Ride - To Orbis (Big Bird)
200090300 - During the Ride - To Mu Lung (Stork)
200090310 - During the Ride - To Orbis (Stork)
200090400 - Cruising - To Ariant (Genie)
200090410 - Cruising - To Orbis (Genie)
600010003 - Hidden Street - Inside Subway(From NLC to KC)
600010005 - Hidden Street - Inside Subway(From KC to NLC)
222020211 - Ludibrium - Elevator
540010002 - Singapore - On the way to Kerning City (Airplane)
540010101 - Victoria Island - On the way to CBD (Airplane)
900000000 - Hidden Street - Utah's Pig Farm

Fun Stuff
2210003 - Dragon Elixir
2210005 - Tigun Transformation Bundle.
2210006 - Rainbow-colored Snail Shell
2210007 - Change to Ghost
2210008 - Ghost Candy
2210009 - Sophillia's Abandoned Doll
2210010 - Potion of Transformation (guy)
2210011 - Potion of Transformation (girl)
2210012 - Change to Mouse
1002762 - Transform to Kanderun
1002763 - Transform to Pergen
1002764 - Transform to Helena
1002765 - Transform to Dark Lord
1002766 - Transform to Euryth
5090000 - Note

Event Prizes
2022118 - Admin's Congrats
4000313 - Golden Maple Leaf
4000038 - Event Trophy

8220000 - Elliza
8220001 - Snowman
8220002 - Kimera
8220003 - Leviathan
8500000 - Time Sphere
8520000 - Pianus
6220000 - Dyle
6220001 - Zeno
7220000 - Tae Roon
7220001 - Nona-Tailed Fox
7220002 - Priest Cat
9300012 - Alishar
9300028 - Ergoth
9300029 - Lion Statue A
9300031 - Knight Statue A
9300039 - Papa Pixie
9400536 - Geist Balrog Phase 1
9400569 - Big Puff Daddy
5220000 - King Clang
5220002 - Faust
5220003 - Timer
5250000 - Moss Mushroom
9410014 - Snack Bar
9420513 - Capt. Latanica
9400014 - Black Crow
9400112 - Bodyguard A
9300089 - Phoenix
9300090 - Freezer
9400575 - Bigfoot

9400202 - Nx Slime
9400203 - Exp Slime
7090000 - Security Camera
9100002 - Super Stirge
9500167 - Golden Pig
9600002 - Duck
9600001 - Rooster
5120505 - Reindeer
9410000 - Stray Dog
9410005 - Red Bubble Tea
9410006 - Yellow Bubble Tea
9410007 - Green Bubble Tea
9410008 - Yeti UFO Catcher
9410013 - Doll Vending Machine

9300187 - Poisoned Spright in the Deep Forest 1
9500200 - Zoo Balrog
9500201 - Zoo Yeti
9500202 - Zoo White Fang
9500203 - Zoo Pig
9500204 - Zoo Ribbon Pig
9300137 - Juliet
9300138 - Romeo
9500001 - Making a wish to the full moon
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