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 Hello, UrbanMS

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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 2:02 am

I just wanna come and say that earlyer today I did do something I shouldn't have did however you know I do unto others I they do unto me so...

I just wanna say that I can help your server in alot of ways however like the other servers before this server I have attacked You know when you have GM's who are ban happy like Nexon you only get what you have coming to you.

So. I have read on ragezone and seen that you were trying to get help because I killed your data base earlyer today well like I said the other servers I have hacked Im sorry but you should treat others the way you wanna be treated how can you lie to your players about having friendly GM's when they bash people they ban that isn't any kinda respect and is totally uncalled for.

Now if you'd like help I can help you but if you wanna childish about this stuff I can be childish too basicly every private server can be hacked in a few ones I most use sql injections and another method I wont say do protect sites against abuse.

now If you'd like my help you can either PM me on ragezone or email me at zarabyte@gmail.com

my RageZone forum name is ZaraByte

I do alot of scripting and programming I'd apply for a postion but why brother I seen you all had a few problems with GM hats being leaked by a npc advice is I'd get the GM hat ID and search the sql for npc's that give that hat.

and also I seen a old post from one of the staff here looking for a script to update the buddy list slots thats easy to do to I can make you a php script that would do that.

Anyways gotta get some sleep wanna ride my pocket rocket bike tommrow.
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Join date : 2009-04-04

Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 2:10 am

can u do something about the nub gm ShamSavior he's everything a gm shouldn't be and wat make it worst is he is a gm lol he bans ppl for no good reason... T.T
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Age : 41
Location : zarabyte.com

Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 2:14 am

Candycane wrote:
can u do something about the nub gm ShamSavior he's everything a gm shouldn't be and wat make it worst is he is a gm lol he bans ppl for no good reason... T.T

Stuff like this is no wonder why I did what I did.

Another player complaining about the GM's
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 2:17 am

DUDE I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! the gm's on this server don't listen to what any of the players have to say, we have the right to complain about the server we complain to help make the server better right? and these GM's are just banning us without even listening to anything we have to say... and yes candycane ShamSavior is one of those GM's, earlier today he said to someone on the chatbox "you know what i can do to you?" what kind of GM says that stuff... not helpful at all just making this server alot worse for the community.
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Age : 41
Location : zarabyte.com

Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 2:32 am

what do you expect the server is run by people under the age of 16 there so cool because there GM's we are no buddies to them unless your a GM ass kisser then you get nothing on alot of servers.

alot seem to think what I did was bad I dont see how I could have ban everyone had I wanted to but I didn't I made myself a GM gave my stuff items to benifit myself I didn't give anything to any other player weather it was fair to other players or not dont matter they could have asked me nicely to give all the items back and they could have destated me and asked me not to do what I was doing funny how they dont even seem to be one bit curious on what I did to make mysql a GM I mean god You ban me the first time I unban myself and came back right there would have told me okay maybe banning him isn't going to right but no ABC ban hammer after ban hammer so yeah know you can only take so much ABC even ban me from the chat box lol.
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 7:10 am

Actually i only Banned you twice once on accident from D/cing you and i Banned you the seccond time because another gm,couple of regular players, and Drew asked me to and the Owner banned you from the chat all i did was Kick you out of it.
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 4th 2009, 10:27 pm

Lol Nice try bud, Exalion And Candycane are Both FlowMotion. You can tell by the way he types and sadly tries to disguise it.
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Age : 41
Location : zarabyte.com

Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 5th 2009, 12:38 am

SimplyAzuma wrote:
Lol Nice try bud, Exalion And Candycane are Both FlowMotion. You can tell by the way he types and sadly tries to disguise it.

If you had any brains which saddly you don't you could be smart and check the IP's my IP is from Embraq if you check the other to posters IP's you;d see there not the same IP's as mine Your just another stupid kid what made me know that is how you all left your phpmyadmin wide open with a blank password which got there server hacked in the first place anyone with half a brain would know to password protect the phpmyadmin ROFL

Ohh and before you say them two names are me on a proxy I'd do some research on the IP's and see if they are proxy servers or were proxy servers but I bet your to stupid to know how to check an IP heh.

You go ahead and keep talking shit and watch what happens smart ass god you know incase you forgot noob job OdinMS got what they had coming to them for having corrupt GM's now there being sued its called "Karma"

Karma will be the death of this server I wont have to hack it because if you keep abusing your players you wont have any players on this server.

Karma gets back at people who do bad unto others however your to ignorant to believe in that kinda stuff so you will be seeing for yourself one day when this server shuts down for whatever reason it will be the work of karma.

So keep it up man keep abusing your players you seen what happen when you ban me this server got owned wait till next time.
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 5th 2009, 2:38 am

I think you might know why I am saying this.

Thank you for hacking.

Edit : Expect a wall of text soon

Last edited by Foldded on April 5th 2009, 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2009-02-20

Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 5th 2009, 11:48 am

Let's see, if you look at EACH account, they were made on the exact same day, to make it look like people were agreeing with him. Go check out the other posts those files have made, they are complete useless crap. In which he posted to make it seem like they were active forum members.

As for banning for no reason? I don't see how you got THAT impression. You were causing difficulties in the chatbox, called me an asshole, all this other nonsense, then you said I abused powers for just KICKING you for all this? When I should have banned you in the first place. You said "You asshole, you don't know anything except how to use GM commands and abuse your power" So I banned you again. This time for a VERY extended period of time.

You deserved it ^^ Don't make up garbage on here.

As for others, if you are ACTUALLY other players (Which I HIGHLY doubt.) I only ban for good reasons. If you are cursing, being racist, or being just a complete IDIOT (Which would be the starter of this post two fold.) Then yes, I will ban you, but only if you deserve it.

~Side Note~ Also. I banned you from a CHATBOX. I really don't know what your on here whining about, I didn't touch your character ingame so it's no big deal. You abused the chatbox by being an idiot so you lost that privledge. As for ingame, you haven't.

And ingame I ban people only if they excessively curse over smegas, they are harrassing other players, or begging for GM, (All these come with a warning) Also if I find them hacking and I'm 100% sure they are.

I don't know what your talking about "Banning for no reason." I'd love some proof of what you mean, such as a screenshot or two. Thanks. ^^
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Age : 31
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 5th 2009, 3:46 pm

I amnot good at spelling/ grammar. I am good at the truth/flaming.

Ok, I am going to show you everything wrong and so painfully stupid with what you have said so far. I would just like to clear somethings up befor I start.

1. You are wrong
2. I am right
3. I am not supid
4. If you are reading this, finish and GTFO.

FlowMotion wrote:
If you had any brains which saddly you don't you could be smart and check the IP's my IP is from Embraq if you check the other to posters IP's you;d see there not the same IP's as mine Your just another stupid kid what made me know that is how you all left your phpmyadmin wide open with a blank password which got there server hacked in the first place anyone with half a brain would know to password protect the phpmyadmin ROFL

So, anyone with half a brain would have been able to learn manners from their parents. Oviously you, sadly, did not. I suggest going back there maybe learning a thing or two about being.. nice? I don't know, give it a try. I highly doubt someone who is as much of a bitch as you could but you never know. Also, anyone with half a brain would know that you can do almost anything on a computer, including changing you IP and making it seem like you are a diffrent person.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]Ohh and before you say them two names are me on a proxy I'd do some research on the IP's and see if they are proxy servers or were proxy servers but I bet your to stupid to know how to check an IP heh.

All I have to say is that you really need to learn respect. You can not for somereason get it through your head that there is such a thing. And you should probably stop calling people stuid. I will get back to this 'your so stupid' thing later.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]You go ahead and keep talking shit and watch what happens smart ass god you know incase you forgot noob job OdinMS got what they had coming to them for having corrupt GM's now there being sued its called "Karma"

Really, you need to stop insulting people. You just..I'll get back to this later.. Oh, and our GMS are not corrupt. We have a great community and a server going that a ton of people like, well untill YOU showed up.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]Karma will be the death of this server I wont have to hack it because if you keep abusing your players you wont have any players on this server.

Dude, Karma will be the death of you. You can't just go around being a total bitch all the time and think you are ont he good side. AHH HAHA... really you are blind and just so incredibably stupid it hurts me BAD. You wont hack it because you can't unban yourself anymore. Even if you do, in the end WE will win because you don't have the server on your computer. Hackers will and forever will fail. You will and forever be a bastard.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]Karma gets back at people who do bad unto others however your to ignorant to believe in that kinda stuff so you will be seeing for yourself one day when this server shuts down for whatever reason it will be the work of karma.

So, I am confused here, what did we do wrong. You over looked the fact that we have players that CHOOSE to be here retard. You are the definition of ignorant, basically. One day you will be hit by a car and it will be the work of karma... and all the people you screwed with.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]So keep it up man keep abusing your players you seen what happen when you ban me this server got owned wait till next time.

WE abuse? PSHHHHHHHHHH. WE give them a maple where THEY can play and get to level 200 a bunch of times. WE give them the freedom to do almost anything THEY want, exept for hacking. YOU give them flame and YOU break the rules and YOU disrespect the administration. This is OUR server WE can do what WE want with it and so far it has been a sucess. THEY wan to play it because THEY enjoy it buy YOU have a problem with it so it MUST be evil.

[quote]"FlowMotion"]I just wanna come and say that earlyer today I did do something I shouldn't have did however you know I do unto others I they do unto me so...[quote]

Dude, only a retard does that. You acted like a bitch for over 2 hours. Only counting the time you were on maple because I am SURE it has been going on for a long time.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]I just wanna say that I can help your server in alot of ways however like the other servers before this server I have attacked You know when you have GM's who are ban happy like Nexon you only get what you have coming to you.

Help this server? YOU have been the WORST thing to happen to this server scince it started. You disrespected every player that has ever played this server.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]So. I have read on ragezone and seen that you were trying to get help because I killed your data base earlyer today well like I said the other servers I have hacked Im sorry but you should treat others the way you wanna be treated how can you lie to your players about having friendly GM's when they bash people they ban that isn't any kinda respect and is totally uncalled for.

Dude, only a complete mother fucking bitch ass slut retard does that. Kill a data base? Why would you even do that? You speak of us abusing the players but then you send them back 2 weeks of hard work. Man, you are a retarted disgrace.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]Now if you'd like help I can help you but if you wanna childish about this stuff I can be childish too basicly every private server can be hacked in a few ones I most use sql injections and another method I wont say do protect sites against abuse.

Childish? Thats you you fucker. You play with servers liek you a 'god' but really you are a little baby that found a loop hole inthe default settings. You wont say to protect sites from abuse? Kill yourself to do that.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]now If you'd like my help you can either PM me on ragezone or email me at zarabyte@gmail.com

/call flame please

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]my RageZone forum name is ZaraByte

RageZone isnt for hackers you bitch.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]I do alot of scripting and programming I'd apply for a postion but why brother I seen you all had a few problems with GM hats being leaked by a npc advice is I'd get the GM hat ID and search the sql for npc's that give that hat.

That was dealt with very well. It is easy to fix. We don't need you messing up our server anymore.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]and also I seen a old post from one of the staff here looking for a script to update the buddy list slots thats easy to do to I can make you a php script that would do that.

I can do that, any1 could do that.

Quote :
"FlowMotion"]Anyways gotta get some sleep wanna ride my pocket rocket bike tommrow.

I hope you fall.


So, you must think you are some tipe of god here. Hacking, sayign we are wrong. Dude, you are on some shit or something. WE DONT NEED YOU, NEVER WILL EVER EVER. ALL YOU DO IS MESS STUFF UP AND ABUSE YOUR LITTLE PHP GOOGLE SEARCHES. AM I BEIGN CHILDISH? NO, I AM BEING TRUTHFULL. COMPLAIN AND ARGUE ALL YOU WANT BUT EVERY SERVER THAT YOU HAVE HACKED WILL AGREE, YOU ARE A COCK SUCKER AND SUCH. Have a nice day, make sure to ingure yourself.

this is the truth. if you are reading this then now you know how much FlowMotion sucks or somthign like that.
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS EmptyApril 5th 2009, 3:51 pm

FlowMotion wrote:
I do alot of scripting and programming I'd apply for a postion but why brother I seen you all had a few problems with GM hats being leaked by a npc advice is I'd get the GM hat ID and search the sql for npc's that give that hat.

To good for apps? Your not a god.
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Hello, UrbanMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello, UrbanMS   Hello, UrbanMS Empty

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Hello, UrbanMS
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